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Newspack Insurance has more than 2000 policies in place covering Newsagents across Australia. Consequently, it is in a good position to observe trends in insurance pricing. Newspack Insurance policies have been developed over decades, based on the needs of the industry. They provide maximum coverage, higher minimum sums insured and the lowest excesses. If you are shopping around for quotes on your insurance, make certain what you are being offered meets your needs and the requirements placed on your Newsagency business by landlords, Tabcorp, publishers and other business partners. All Newspack Insurance policy wordings have been specifically written to meet the needs of Newsagents and lotteries franchisees.

Comparisons against some policies being offered by new entrants to the market reveal they have higher excesses, lower sums insured, do not include minimum public liability limits generally required by landlords, have low or no cash coverage (a requirement of Tabcorp for lotteries franchisees), no glass cover, etc.

Newspack Insurance understands that Newsagents regularly review all business costs. Newspack Insurance is available to assist you to tailor your insurance needs to suit your requirements. Newspack Insurance can also review quotes you have received from alternate insurance providers to advise whether they are suitable for the needs of Newsagents and whether they satisfy the normal industry sums insured limits.

Tania Treacy is available to review your Newsagency insurance needs.
Contact Tania at Newspack insurance on 1300 907 583.