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The FTCIS provides employees with information about fixed term employment, including the rules about when fixed term contracts can be made.

The FTCIS has information about:

  • what a fixed term contract is
  • limitations on the use of fixed term contracts
  • exceptions to the limitations
  • how to resolve disputes about fixed term contract limitations and exceptions.

The FTCIS can be given to employees:

  • in person
  • by mail to their residential address, or
  • if the employee agrees, it can be given electronically, such as:
    • by email
    • by emailing a link to this page of our website
    • by emailing a link to a copy of the FTCIS available on the employer’s intranet.

Employers need to give fixed term employees the version of the FTCIS that’s in place when the employer enters into a fixed term contract with the employee. Employers should check back here regularly to make sure they’re using the latest version.

Fixed term Contract Information Statement