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The Victorian Government has announced a continuation of the COVID-19 lockdown for another week through to Thursday, 10 June 2021.

Health Department advisories confirming the travel of an infected individual and family members in the South Coast and Southern Tablelands areas of NSW should set the red lights flashing for all NSW and ACT Newsagents over the possibility of the spread of the contagion to their locality. The NSW South Coast region is an attractive destination for tourists and holidaymakers from the ACT. Newsagents in the ACT should equally be aware as their NSW counterparts to the possibility of confirmed cases. Sporting club members who travelled from the Western Riverina area to Tooleybuc in Victoria also demonstrates the populations of all areas are highly mobile and may interact with individuals suffering from and/or carrying the virus.

NANA’s advice to Members is straight forward:
1.    Follow the guidance issued by authoritative Government Health agencies;
2.    Review your COVID Safe plan and update it to accommodate any local changes;
3.    Ensure you act to protect your staff, customers and yourself from any possible exposure to infection
4.    Have ample supplies of face masks and sanitiser available in your shop

Should restrictions be implemented in NSW and/or the ACT, NANA is confident past exemptions will continue to apply to Newsagents.

NANA is available to assist Members who may have to make arrangements to stand down staff on a temporary basis should restrictions be implemented.  NANA may be contacted on 1300 113 044 or by email to