The impact of the Omicron COVID-19 variant is now starting to impact the ACT and NSW and other jurisdictions across Australia. Governments are facing pressure to roll back the easing of restrictions including those to do with mandatory face masks and the use of QR code check-ins.
The use of face masks in shopping precincts has continued on a voluntary basis as Governments promote individual responsibility for personal protection against infection. But personal choice may not be enough when it comes to managing the impacts of the Omicron variant.
Many Newsagents have maintained face masks as a condition of entry into their premises. That is a choice which any Newsagent can make as long as they allow for exemptions where appropriate and their face mask policy and application isn’t discriminatory. The same goes for QR code check-ins.
National Cabinet is due to meet today. Should decisions be made which impact on Newsagents, NANA will provide an update via a News Alert.