Last week we foreshadowed NANA was on its way to Canberra to meet with senior executives of the Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman’s office to explore assistance the Ombudsman may be able to provide in relation to franchising issues.
NANA and the Ombudsman have agreed on a method to call franchisors to account over unreasonable decisions which negatively impact Newsagents. NANA is now developing several cases which will be referred to the Ombudsman for formal assistance.
Normally, NANA has relied on support from the NSW Small Business Commissioner when escalating matters for formal mediations as a dispute resolution mechanism. By working with the national Ombudsman, NANA is developing what should be a better way to address the intransigence of franchisors. The national Ombudsman has specific powers under legislation which both NANA and the Ombudsman believe will deliver better results and more informed outcomes for Newsagents.
NANA expects to launch the first of several cases in coming weeks. NANA will keep Members advised of the outcome and hopefully we will be able to report an improved position for Newsagents as franchisees due to the support from the national Ombudsman.
Any NANA Member who is in dispute with New South Wales Lotteries Corporation Pty Ltd/Tabcorp Holdings Ltd is invited to contact NANA on 1300 113 044 or by email to nana@nana.com.au to discuss the support available from NANA and the national ombudsman.