NANA regularly works with Members who feel they have been unfairly treated in a site survey, who have received a breach notice or have been notified of a new application for an all products lotteries outlet nearby.
We will be straight forward, we cannot always get the result that a Newsagent wants but we undertake to give every matter raised with us a thorough assessment of how the Newsagents should respond and whether they want NANA to directly intervene on their behalf. All matters are handled on a confidential basis.
Two recent cases highlight what NANA can achieve by working closely with Members.
One Member had unreasonably been served with a breach notice. NANA intervened and appealed against the breach notice, the breach notice was withdrawn and importantly the Newsagent’s income from lotteries sales was restored to include the full extra 1% under the omni-channel set up. The NANA Member is now $5,000+ better off over a three month cycle.
In the second case, NANA worked closely with its Member to lodge an objection to a new all products lotteries outlet within sight of their shop. NANA authored a detailed submission on the Member’s behalf and when NSW Lotteries reviewed the application it was restricted to an instant scratch its only outlet. NANA again worked closely with its Member and after a protracted battle, the applicant has now stated it no longer wishes to continue with the application. The Member didn’t receive an increase in income but at least the local lotteries market isn’t being flooded with an extra outlet which would only have split the available local spend on lotteries products.
NANA invites any Newsagent to make contact in relation to any adverse taken by New South Wales Lotteries Corporation Pty Ltd/Tabcorp Holding Ltd. Your enquiry will be treated with confidence and NANA will apply all of its experience and expertise to assist you. Contact NANA on 1300 113 044 or by email to nana@nana.com.au.