We thought we would let you know what Newsagents have to say about NANA so you can see the value of Membership
From Denis & Lyn Tull, Tulls Newsagency, Forster:
“NANA has helped us recoup thousands of dollars for our small business! We were able to get back $5,000 underpayment from a supplier, and around $3,500 from another with their help. Our membership has definitely paid for itself! And on top of that they did all the paperwork and analysis for a successful objection to NSW Lotteries outlet application close by that would have affected our business. Thank you to the NANA staff.”
From David & Pamela Parish, Regents Park Newsagency:
“We have constant issues with late deliveries on newspapers and magazines causing our delivery times to also be pushed back resulting in angry customers. NANA was able to contact people higher up to get action on these delivery issues. Things have improved but it is ongoing. Recently we didn’t want a new lotto outlet to open as it was only 60 metres from the shop and would impact our sales, but with NANA’s assistance this application was rejected and we are glad to be part of an association that really goes out of their way to help their members. We see a growth in membership providing a solid unity with strength in numbers.”
Any Newsagent, regardless of their Membership status is invited to contact NANA on 1300 113 044 or by email to nana@nana.com.au for assistance on any industry matter, no matter how big or small the issue may be.