NANA makes compulsory lotteries insurance policies available across the industry through Newspack Insurance Broking.
Renewals are now due. The price for the policy, which meets all NSW Lotteries/Tatts Group Lotteries requirements is $133.00 including GST. If you are eligible for the NSW stamp duty exemption, the price may be even lower.
And the good news ………. NANA will rebate eligible Members the net cost of the policies during the 2018/2019 membership year. That’s right – effectively, the insurance will not cost NANA Members a cent. NIL. ZERO.
To be eligible for the rebate, NANA Members will need to be covered by Newspack Insurance Broking for their compulsory lotteries insurance and be also insured by Newspack Business Insurance for their general business or Business Pack requirements. If you are not covered by Newspack for that type of policy, you will only have to give us the opportunity to provide a competitive quote to be eligible for the compulsory lotteries insurance rebate.
There is a limit of one compulsory lotteries insurance policy rebate per member.
Renewal notices have been sent by Newspack for those already covered for Compulsory Lotteries Insurance. Besides being a great price, you will have the opportunity of receiving a rebate for the full net cost of the policy.
If you are not insured through Newspack for compulsory lotteries insurance, follow the link for the form and return it to Newspack. Contact details are included on the form.
For further information, contact NANA on 1300 113 044 or by email to nana@nana.com.au.