Earlier in the year Mungindi Newsagency received advice from News Corp Australia that due to costs associated with distribution out of Queensland, all supplies delivered by News Corp Australia logistics would cease (News Corp Australia is the primary distributor for News Corp, Nine Publications, Ovato, including Market Hub, ACM, IPS and Wrapaway).
Mungindi Newsagency contacted NANA immediately to see what could be done to avoid this loss of supply, which was essentially the entirety of the traditional print lines that a Newsagent offers. Mungindi Newsagency is an active participant in its local community and has enjoyed the support of the Mungindi community and surrounding rural property owners. NANA’s feedback to Mungindi Newsagency was straight forward – a solution had to be found.
NANA developed a solution which not only involved Mungindi Newsagency but also other Newsagents in the North and North West of NSW. Over several months of regular and continuous contact with publishers and distributors, and with Newsagents in Mungindi and Moree, NANA worked towards implementing a solution. Along the way, those Newsagents involved in the solution were regularly briefed.
NANA can confirm that the solution it developed has now been agreed and adopted by all of the publishers, distributors and Newsagents involved. Mungindi Newsagency’s identity as a Newsagent selling newspapers and magazines has been protected.
Mungindi Newsagency was indeed grateful for this outcome, as written in the testimonial below:
“…I received a letter from News Corp, in March this year, advising of no further supply of newspapers and magazines via their contracted distributor out of Queensland, after the last week of September, due to unsustainable costs. As this would be a disastrous outcome, as a service to my customers, I wasted no time contacting NANA to see what avenues they may be able to pursue in assisting supply continuation to my business and the townsfolk of Mungindi and surrounds. Without hesitation NANA developed a solution, and then worked to make it happen. To cut a very long story short I am now over the moon, along with my customers, as the most recent update from NANA earlier this week provided advice of all being in place to continue receiving supply. On behalf of both my business and my customers I am so sincerely grateful to NANA in being able to deliver this great outcome for me. If this is not a fantastic result of an association working for a lone member, who did not know which way to turn, then I do not know what is.” – Virginia Grey, Mungindi Newsagency
This is a terrific demonstration of NANA’s persistence and ability to assist Members when they may feel they have no one to turn to for advice or support. NANA has access to decision makers in the industry, and this is but one example where our Members have seen the value of their NANA Membership.
Any Newsagent who requires assistance in relation supplier/distribution interruptions is invited to contact NANA on 1300 113 044 or by email to nana@nana.com.au.