Different suppliers to Newsagencies are advising of restrictions to deliveries and service support over the Christmas/New Year period. For example, Are Direct has announced it will not be delivering on 23 December. All of their other delivery dates appear to be scheduled as normal.
Newspaper publishers have advised Newsagents of changes to production schedules for different mastheads, special editions and which featured inserts will and will not be published.
The Sydney Morning Herald will NOT be published on 25 December.
The Daily Telegraph will NOT be published on 25 December.
NANA advises Newsagents to keep an eye out for information from all publishers and distributors so they can roster staff accordingly.
GNS has distributed information about their Christmas/New Year closure and also their move to new premises.
XCHANGEIT has also notified Newsagents of their support/help desk closures over Christmas/New Year.
NANA advises Newsagents to check with suppliers if there is any uncertainty over restrictions over Christmas and New Year.