Unfortunately, NANA continues to receive reports of theft, break-ins and burglaries of Newsagent premises across NSW and the ACT.
Thieves are targeting the usual items – cash, tobacco products and high value items such as electronics and packaged giftware. Even safes are being removed from retail premises to be cracked off-site.
Now, more than ever, it is a MUST that Newsagents tighten up on all forms of security, for their staff, their premises and for themselves. Insurance only goes so far to help recover from a major theft as the time, inconvenience, stress and “kick in the guts” are difficult to compensate.
All thefts MUST be reported to the police and your insurer/broker. If you are insured with Newspack Insurance, contact them immediately on 1300 907 583 for assistance and to process your claim. Newspack Insurance will work with you to finalise your claim and to have essential repair work completed quickly to ensure the ongoing security of your premises.
If you temporarily close your business, contact Newspack Insurance and they will supply a guide to the sorts of things you MUST do to manage your risks whilst your shop is temporarily closed.
Call Newspack Insurance on 1300 907 583 or send an email to newspack@bolderstons.com.au.