When evaluating your insurance costs, it is a good idea to make sure your broker is placing your insurance policies direct with the underwriter rather than via another broker. If your broker is placing your policy via another broker, rather than direct with the underwriter, you can end up being charged for two sets of brokerage and administration fees with no increased benefit, either in service or policy coverage. If your broker is using another broker, where do you go when you need service or need to make a claim?
NANA has also become aware of a newsagent being supplied with an insurance policy for compulsory Lotteries insurance which charged the Newsagent $1,300+. On the information available it appears the policy coverage did not match the requirements specified by NSW Lotteries/Tatts Group. NANA through Newspack Insurance Broking has been providing compulsory Lotteries insurance for $133, significantly less expensive than what this Newsagent paid.
For more than 25 years Newspack Insurance Broking has been supporting Newsagents in NSW and ACT and across Australia with policies designed for the needs of the industry.
Newspack Insurance Broking is recognised by NSW Lotteries and Tatts Group as a provider of Lotteries insurance. Newspack gives prompt, personalised service with a true depth of knowledge of the insurance needs of Newsagents.
Don’t pay double brokerage and administration fees and don’t pay $1300+ for Lotteries insurance when it is available for $133.
Contact Tania at Newspack Insurance Broking on 1300 852 977 for all your Newsagency insurance needs. Competitive quotes are available and advice is free.