Ian Booth24/11/2021 NANA to meet with Small Business Minister NANA has just accepted an invitation to meet face-to-face from NSW Minister for Finance and…Category: GovernmentNANA News
Ian Booth24/11/2021 JobSaver program in NSW drawing to a close Service NSW is advising eligible businesses under the JobSaver program to reconfirm their eligibility to…Category: COVID19
Ian Booth24/11/2021 This is really important Family and Domestic Violence Leave Employer Survey – Newsagents should participate The Fair Work Commission (FWC) is conducting a review of entitlements to family and domestic…Category: Employment
Ian Booth24/11/2021 Now you see it – now you don’t – the disappearing lotteries franchise Disclosure Document The Franchising Code which applies to the relationship between New South Wales Lotteries Pty Ltd/Tabcorp…Category: NSW Lotteries
Ian Booth24/11/2021 The future of wage increases – Fair Work Commission Annual Wage Review 2021-2022 The Fair Work Commission (FWC) has commenced the process of conducting the Annual Wage Review…Category: Awards & WagesFair Work
Ian Booth24/11/2021 Long Service Leave entitlements – information Newsagents may not be aware of and probably don’t want to hear NANA recently advised Members to ensure they were provisioning accrued long service leave entitlements as…Category: Awards & WagesEmployment
Ian Booth24/11/2021 It is a good time to check Award wages and issue Fair Work statements NANA advises Members to regularly check they are paying their employees the latest rates under…Category: Awards & WagesFair WorkGeneral Retail Award
Ian Booth17/11/2021 Meeting with Ombudsman to deliver results for NANA Members Last week we foreshadowed NANA was on its way to Canberra to meet with senior…Category: Good NewsGovernmentNANA NewsNSW Lotteries
Ian Booth17/11/2021 NSW Government fees and charges rebate yet to be extended to $2,000 The value of the NSW Government small business fees and charges rebate has been increased…Category: Grants
Ian Booth17/11/2021 Are Media cause confusion over rationalisation of agreements Are Media distributed a notification to Newsagents on Wednesday which on the face of it…Category: DeliveriesDistribution